Política de Cookies

Uso de cookies
Web page https://rossellomusica.com ownership of Música Municipal Rosselló uses cookies.
Cookies are files that are downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages.
Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their team and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment.
In addition, they improve their browsing process, since they allow the website to offer the user information that may be of interest depending on the use made, the content of it.
In case of not wanting to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser, so that you erase them from your computer's hard drive, block them or notify you if they are installed.
To continue without changes in the configuration of cookies, simply continue on the web page.

The cookies we use do not store any personal data, nor any type of information that can identify you, unless you want to register, voluntarily with the purpose of using services that we make available to you or to receive information about promotions and contents of your interest.
By browsing and continuing on our website you indicate that you are consenting to the use of the aforementioned cookies, and in the conditions contained in this cookie policy. If you do not agree, configure your browser to block them.

Types and purpose of cookies
Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be classified into:
-session cookies: they expire when the user closes the browser.
-persistent cookies: they expire in function when the objective for which they are served is fulfilled (for example, so that the user remains identified in the web page and in the services of the same or when they are deleted manually).
Cookies depending on their purpose can be classified as follows:
-registry cookies (technical and personalization): registration cookies are generated once the user has registered or subsequently opened their session, and are used to identify you in the services with the following objectives.
-keep the user identified so that, if a service closes, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day re-enters the service, it will remain identified, thus facilitating navigation without having to re-identify.
This functionality can be suppressed if the user presses the 'close session' functionality, so that this cookie is deleted and the next time it enters the service the user will have to log in to be identified.
-check if the user is authorized to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.
-analytical cookies: This website uses Google Analytics which is a web analytics and statistics service offered by Google Inc. that uses cookies that are stored on users' computers.
The information generated related to our website will be used to create reports on the use of the website. Google will store and use this information in accordance with the limits established in its privacy policy.
Google's privacy policy is available in www.google.com/privacypolicy.html

How to block or delete installed cookies
The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent its installation on his computer.
Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information.
Here's how to set cookies in the most prominent browsers:
-Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-web
-Android: http://support.google.com/android/?hl=es
If you continue without changing the configuration and allow the activation of cookies, we thank you for these allow us to improve our services.
In this case, we understand that you accept the use of cookies by the Web.
If instead you disable the configuration of cookies and configure your browser to not accept cookies, some services that require 'login' can not use some of our services, nor will be making the most of your browsing experience on our website .